Farming Operations

The Company’s farming operations include large scale farming on a 540 hectare farm in Bapsfontein. Of the 540 hectares, 430 hectares are currently under vegetation. The farm has about 1,690 tunnels, a number of greenhouses, crops farmed under shade net as well as crops grown on open land using 16 centre pivot irrigation systems. 

Mount Carmel uses both conventional farming techniques (i.e. in-field soil farming) as well as hydroponics (i.e. method of growing plants without soil, using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent) in order to reduce the risks associated with direct exposure to the elements. The hydroponic greenhouses are currently used for the production of leafy herb and salad products. The growing beds are covered by plastic structures that moderate weather conditions, providing ideal microclimates for growing. It is also environmentally friendly as there is no nutrient run off and water usage is extremely efficient.  

The use of hydroponics, the ability to control the temperature and atmosphere in the greenhouses and the use of approved and certified out growers allows for the supply of quality products throughout South Africa (and outside the borders) 12 months of the year.

Sustainable farming practices and the impact on the environment are of the utmost importance to Mount Carmel. As a result, there is a drive currently in place by Mount Carmel to move away from chlorine based fertilisers to more natural products. Strict testing is performed on a regular basis to monitor the quality of the water and residue levels of chemicals in the soil and plants. The farm is Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and Farming for the Future certified, ensuring that strict programs are in place to protect the integrity of the soil and quality of the water and the produce.

Pack house operations

Mount Carmel has a pack house which allows for bulking, sorting, packaging, and labelling in line with procurement standards which are a pre-requisite for participating in formal value chains as well as a cold storage facility.

The Company maintains two types of manufacturing processes:

  • Low-care processing – this is the pack house where simple processing of products is done, e.g. washing, sorting, bagging of product and preparation for dispatch.
  • High-care processing – this area of the plant performs value-adding processing including cutting, spiralling and mixing of different leaves. As this plant packs ready-to-eat products, additional quality procedures are in place in this facility which adheres to international standards of hygiene and cleanliness.

Annual hygiene audits are also conducted by independent third parties to ensure that the highest hygiene standards are maintained when preparing and packing products.

Cold chain distribution

The cold chain is one of the most essential areas of the fresh produce value chain, critical to supplying a high quality product. The entire value chain from farm to the supermarket is dependent on maintaining a constant temperature. Mount Carmel’s products are distributed in its own fleet of refrigerated trucks. By controlling the entire cold chain, Mount Carmel is able to ensure the integrity and quality of the product which in turns allows for an extended shelf life.

Quality control and compliance

The Company has a qualified technical department whose main focus is ensuring high quality standards are maintained with every batch of product produced. Quality control by the ISO 22000 system is practiced rigorously in Mount Carmel, in the pack house. The facility has been ISO 22000 certified since October 2013, with standards of production that meet all customer audit requirements and ensure the safest food processing.

Furthermore, the Company engages external consultants who perform regular food safety audits on the production facilities of the Company to ensure that the required quality standards are maintained.